Uplift Your Community

Consider donating your stimulus check to one of our recommended organizations supporting food security. Though we all need safety and security at this time, the stimulus checks were distributed to people who may not need it as much as others right now.

Updated: 2/21/2025, 1:10:04 AM

“Food security means having, at all times, both physical and economic access to sufficient food to meet dietary needs for a productive and healthy life.”

Double The Impact

Donate to one of the organizations below and your local Global Shapers Hub will match your donation, up to a certain amount, with a unique approach of matching 1 volunteer hour for every $100 after that. Help us to double your impact. The Hub can match up to $3,000 and will match with volunteer hours above that.

Black Farmers Collective

The Black Farmers Collective is a group of urban food system activists dedicated to providing opportunities to improve the health of our communities through all aspects of the food system. Their vision is based in the need for a place for African American leadership on the land, the Kwanzaa principle of cooperative economics, and the realization that mitigating the climate crisis requires action to support local production, carbon sequestration, and natural habitat creation.

To donate, visit their site


FEEST is an organization led by youth of color in South Seattle and South King County working to improve health in our schools. Focusing on the need for more healthy, affordable, and culturally relevant food at school, FEEST centers young people as leaders toward concrete changes in our food systems...FEEST is offering free prepaid Visa cards for families to use to buy groceries.

To donate, visit their site

Villa Comunitaria - Salsa de la Vida

Addressing the barriers BIPOC communities face accessing food has been a focal point of Villa Comunitaria's efforts! Through the pandemic, Villa has successfully implemented outreach and enrollment for Food Vouchers to help low-income, BIPOC families access healthy produce and groceries for themselves and their families. Your donation would allow our efforts to expand and address the continuous disproportionate barriers families of color face accessing essential food to nurture their families. All donations are greatly appreciated from our diverse and beautiful communities.

To donate, visit their site

Asian Counseling and Referral Services

Asian Counseling and Referral Services (ACRS) works to support Asian American and Pacific Islander communities here in the Greater Seattle Area. When it comes to food justice, ACRS has instituted a meal-delivery program that delivers 2,200 hot meals and 2,100 grocery bags to seniors and vulnerable residents on a weekly basis. Before the pandemic, ACRS ran a food bank and emergency-feeding programs for Asian American and Pacific Islander seniors.

To donate, visit their site

Tilth - Rainier Beach Urban Farm

Tilth Alliance launched a pay-what-you-can farm stand at Rainier Beach Urban Farm & Wetlands last summer during a global pandemic. The weekly market acted as not only an access point for fresh, local and organically grown produce, but also as a space for the community to connect, get outside and enjoy the public parks property on which it operates. Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands is 8 acres to explore and learn, tucked within a residential South Seattle neighborhood.

To donate, visit their site

Shared Spaces Foundation

The Shared Spaces Foundation is a nonprofit based in Seattle, WA focused on restorative justice through land restoration and sustainable education. In partnership with many local communities and organizations they are working towards bringing a green shared space back to life in the Duwamish River Valley. Shared Spaces plans to upgrade an existing but outdated 65' greenhouse and build an outdoor nursery. Once renovated, they will be able to grow native plants, fruits, vegetables and berries, using the space to provide education and sustenance for the Duwamish Tribe and the surrounding communities. They also plan to use this space to host workshops and educational programs on urban farming, plant restoration, and much more.

To donate, visit their site

Ready to donate? Go ahead, and then come back here to let us know and we will match your donation!